Hi there!

I’m Marissa, a 4th year Electrical Engineering student and this year’s VP of External Affairs for the ECA. I am very excited for this year, as I get to apply all that I’ve learned from my extensive experience in student life, and give back to the ECA community.

I am the former President of Women In Engineering, where I was part of the team since my very first year of University, and former VP Sponsorship for the Concordia Engineering Games.

For my role this upcoming year, I have three pillars which I intend to focus on: Advocacy, Outreach, and Partnership.

As VP External, I am tasked with representing Concordia University’s GCS students at the provincial and national level, as well as securing sponsorships and partnerships with external bodies.

I am prepared to do all that I could to support my amazing ECA team as well as all GCS students. Please feel free to contact me for any collaboration opportunities or just to chat! :)